在Linux系统中,如果有这样一个文件,或者说文件夹,对应的owner属于A,对应的group属于B,那么如何让一个既不是用户A,又不在group B的人访问、读写这个文件、文件夹呢?你可能会说,开放777权限,那我可以很确定的告诉你,那样很不好,会让所有不相干的用户获取所有的权限。为了灵活的配置权限,acl,即所谓的访问控制列表,可以灵活的运用起来。


getfacl -h

Usage: getfacl [-aceEsRLPtpndvh] file …
-a,  –access           display the file access control list only
-d, –default           display the default access control list only
-c, –omit-header       do not display the comment header
-e, –all-effective     print all effective rights
-E, –no-effective      print no effective rights
-s, –skip-base         skip files that only have the base entries
-R, –recursive         recurse into subdirectories
-L, –logical           logical walk, follow symbolic links
-P, –physical          physical walk, do not follow symbolic links
-t, –tabular           use tabular output format
-n, –numeric           print numeric user/group identifiers
-p, –absolute-names    don’t strip leading ‘/’ in pathnames
-v, –version           print version and exit
-h, –help              this help text


The output format of getfacl is as follows:
1:  # file: somedir/
2:  # owner: lisa
3:  # group: staff
4:  # flags: -s-
5:  user::rwx
6:  user:joe:rwx               #effective:r-x
7:  group::rwx                 #effective:r-x
8:  group:cool:r-x
9:  mask::r-x
10:  other::r-x
11:  default:user::rwx
12:  default:user:joe:rwx       #effective:r-x
13:  default:group::r-x
14:  default:mask::r-x
15:  default:other::—


5,7,10显示的是此文件本身的用户、组、和其他的权限,这三条称为基础acl条目(the base ACL entries)。6,8为额外的用户和组的相应的acl权限;9为有效权限,这条限制了所有组和额外用户的权限范围,也就是说所有组和额外用户的最大权限只能是mask的一个子集,例如mask最大权限是rx,则所有组和额外用户的权限只能是小于等于rx的,即使你设定了rwx,也是无效的;11-15显示的是目录的默认的acl权限,这个默认acl权限只针对目录,普通文件没有默认acl。

getfacl的头三行属于基础权限,很多时候是无用的,我们可以用getfacl –omit-header 把这三行忽略。


setfacl -h

Usage: setfacl [-bkndRLP] { -m|-M|-x|-X … } file …
-m, –modify=acl        modify the current ACL(s) of file(s)
-M, –modify-file=file  read ACL entries to modify from file
-x, –remove=acl        remove entries from the ACL(s) of file(s)
-X, –remove-file=file  read ACL entries to remove from file
-b, –remove-all        remove all extended ACL entries
-k, –remove-default    remove the default ACL
–set=acl           set the ACL of file(s), replacing the current ACL
–set-file=file     read ACL entries to set from file
–mask              do recalculate the effective rights mask
-n, –no-mask           don’t recalculate the effective rights mask
-d, –default           operations apply to the default ACL
-R, –recursive         recurse into subdirectories
-L, –logical           logical walk, follow symbolic links
-P, –physical          physical walk, do not follow symbolic links
–restore=file      restore ACLs (inverse of `getfacl -R’)
–test              test mode (ACLs are not modified)
-v, –version           print version and exit
-h, –help              this help text

setfacl [-bkndRLPvh] [{-m|-x} acl_spec] [{-M|-X} acl_file] file …
setfacl –restore=file



–set 和 –set-file会替换文件和目录之前的acl规则,-m (–modify) and -M (–modify-file)用户修改acl规则,-x (–remove) and -X (–remove-file)用于删除acl规则。



Granting an additional user read access
setfacl -m u:lisa:r file

Revoking write access from all groups and all named users (using the effective rights mask)
setfacl -m m::rx file

Removing a named group entry from a file’s ACL
setfacl -x g:staff file

Copying the ACL of one file to another
getfacl file1 | setfacl –set-file=- file2

Copying the access ACL into the Default ACL
getfacl –access dir | setfacl -d -M- dir



find -type d -exec setfacl -m u:alice:rwx {} \;
find -type f -executable -exec setfacl -m u:alice:rwx {} \;
find -type f \! -executable -exec setfacl -m u:alice:rw {} \;


setfacl -R -m u:colleague:rwX .


这里需要重点讲一下ACL_MASK,因为这是掌握ACL的另一个关键,在Linux file permission里面大家都知道比如对于rw-rw-r–来说, 当中的那个rw-是指文件组的permission. 但是在ACL里面这种情况只是在ACL_MASK不存在的情况下成立。如果文件有ACL_MASK值,那么当中那个rw-代表的就是mask值而不再是group permission了。


Default ACL是指对于一个目录进行Default ACL设置,并且在此目录下建立的文件都将继承此目录的ACL。
setfacl -d -m u:alice:rw file


Linux ACL权限设置教程(getfacl,setfacl的使用)
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